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Details of upcoming meetings for the West Bay Ward will appear below, along with notes from previous meetings.

Notice of Meetings

  • Upcoming meetings will be added here

Notes from previous meetings

  • Previous meeting notes will be added here

Councillor information

Cllr Dave Bolwell

Councillor Dave Bolwell
12 Maple Gardens, DT6 4DP
07837 359956
email: [email protected]
Committee Membership: Neighbourhood Plan Joint Councils Committee, Staffing Appeals Sub Committee

IMG_9924 best

Councillor Ann Langridge
108 Crock Lane, DT6 4DH
07772 035574
e-mail: [email protected]
Committee Membership: Finance and General Purposes Committee, Best Value and Scrutiny Sub Committee, Market and Business Liaison Working Group


  • Planning applications will appear here


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