Bridport Town Council maintains the following green areas:
- Askers Meadows (part)
- St Mary’s Playing Fields including 2 football pitches
- Plottingham Field
- The Borough Gardens
- Riverside Gardens
- The Millennium Green around Mountfield (maintained under agreement with the Trustees).
- The Council has an agreement with Bridport Community Orchard Group concerning the management of the Orchard at St Mary’s and land at Park Road.
Bridport Town Council provides and maintains the following play areas:
- Court Orchard with kickabout goal
- Peter Foote
- Flaxhayes
- Rivervale with kickabout goal
- Skilling Oval with kickabout goal
- St Mary’s Playing Field
- Plottingham
- Meadowlands
- West Bay Play Area
These play areas all have a variety of free standing pieces of equipment and multi play complexes.
Verge Maintenance:
We also maintain the roadside verges in Bridport and West Bay (exc. those on the A35 trunk road) under contract for Dorset Council, and in some surrounding areas.
For further information about the green spaces, play areas and verges maintained by the Town Council please contact The Town Surveyor 01308 456722.