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04Jun 24

Mayor’s Blog 151

Mayor’s Blog Hello everyone!  So proud and pleased to be representing our wonderful town as Mayor for the coming year.  I want to keep up the good work, continuing the Mayor’s blog to let you know what we’ve been up to.  Only one event this past week, but the diary…

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05Mar 24

Council Tax bills arriving soon – here’s what to look out for

Bridport Town Council - Media Release - 5 March 2024 Dorset Council will be sending out bills for 2024-25 from 12 March and in Bridport, they’ll be different from previous years. Council Tax is the amount paid by households each year for services provided by Dorset Council, Dorset Fire &…

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02Feb 24

Mayor’s Blog 150

This week: Holocaust Memorial Day, Charity Marathon, West Dorset Singers, Court Orchard Tree Planting, Mayoress Report. Holocaust Day – The Fragility of Freedom Last Friday I travelled to Dorchester to represent Bridport at the Holocaust memorial Day Event 2024 held in the Corn Exchange. It was an extremely sobering and…

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18Jan 24

Mayor’s Blog 149

This week: Harbour House, Asker Nature Trail & Mountjoy School, St John Ambulance Recruitment, Mayoress Report (Carer Support). Harbour House West Bay (Bridport’s Longest Scarf) The lovely ladies and staff at the Harbour House have joined in the challenge to knit Bridport’s longest scarf and have been visiting the Bridport…

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11Jan 24

Mayor’s Blog 148

This week: The Addams Family, Blue Light Church Service, West Bay Wallow, Bridport Carer Café, Bridport Refugee Support Campaign Due to the Christmas break there were some events at the end of last year that couldn’t make it into a Mayor’s Blog. They have all been well advertised and mostly…

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10Jan 24

Media Release – 10 January 2024

Town Council Budget Proposals Published Bridport Town Council has today [9 January] published its draft budget for 2024/25, including details of the likely impact on Council Tax payers. The budget, covering the year from 1 April 2024, will be the first for a newly expanded Bridport Town Council area to…

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20Dec 23

West Bay Wallow, Charity Fancy Dress Swim

Make West Bay your destination on Boxing Day!  The famous West Bay Wallow, Charity Fancy Dress Swim will be taking place at Midday. This will be followed by Community Carols around the Christmas Tree 12:30pm.  The West Bay Discovery Centre is open 11am - 4pm with a new exhibition about…

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15Dec 23

Mayor’s Blog 147

This week: St. Vaast Twinning Christmas Party, Visit to the Bridport Bandits, Community Kitchen Christmas Lunch, St. James’ Care Home Carol Service, Bridport Round Table Hampers. St. Vaast Twinning Christmas Party Last Friday, Bridget and I attended the Christmas Party for the members of the Twinning Association held in the…

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08Dec 23

Mayor’s Blog 146

Light Up a Life, Christmas Wreath Making, The Christmas Tree Festival, Bridport Christmas Cheer, Bridport Floods, Bridport Tree Planting Group Newsletter Light Up a Life Last Friday Bridget and I were invited by Weldmar to Groves Nurseries to open the ‘Light Up a Life’ Festival. It was a very poignant…

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