X51/X53 Bus service
The timetable for the X51 and X53 Jurassic Coaster services is being revised on and from this Sunday 22 November, and will continue until further notice. To view the timetable, please click here.
The timetable for the X51 and X53 Jurassic Coaster services is being revised on and from this Sunday 22 November, and will continue until further notice. To view the timetable, please click here.
Stay better connected during lockdown with Dorset’s Digital Hotline A team of dedicated volunteers is on hand to help hundreds of Dorset residents stay connected during lockdown. Dorset Council’s Digital Champions, who used to hold regular surgeries in libraries, have…
Remembrance Sunday (8 November) in Bridport will have a very different look this year following the announcement of a nationwide lockdown. A church service led by Bridport Team Ministry will be live streamed at 10am. The Act of Remembrance -…
Following the Prime Minister’s statement on Saturday 31 October, Bridport’s Remembrance parade will not now go ahead on 8 November. Bridport Town Council and other local organisations had planned a socially distanced parade and service, but the surprise announcement of…
Round Bridport Bus Resumes on 7 October Bridport’s round town bus, Service 7, will restart from Wednesday 7 October with Dorset Community Transport as the new operator. The service was suspended in March this year as a result of the…
Wednesday 30 September - 5.30pm - 7.00pm. The Chairman of Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has invited people to 'attend' the Trust's virtual, online Annual General Meeting via Webex Events. For more information, please see this flyer.
Even though we remain unable to run a full scale 75th anniversary commemoration of VJ Day on 15 August, Bridport will remember the cessation of hostilities in WWII on the day in a number of ways: The Union Flag will…
Bridport Tourist Information Centre has achieved the: We’re Good To Go official UK standards mark. This signals that a tourism and hospitality business has worked hard to follow Government and industry COVID-19 guidelines and has a process in place to…
Following the Government’s recent announcement, libraries managed by Dorset Council have started a phased re-opening from 8 July by introducing an order and collect service for existing users. Customers will be able to order online their preferred categories of books,…
3 July 2020. THIS RELEASE REPLACES THAT ISSUED ON 29 JUNE 2020 AND INCLUDES CORRECTED INFORMATION CORRECTION AND APOLOGY The media release below has been issued to replace an earlier version (dated 29 June 2020). That document incorrectly stated that…