Bridport Town Council is the parish authority for the town of Bridport. The Town Council provides a large number of services in its area and also represents the town on all matters affecting Bridport Parish. The Parish is divided into five Wards, Bothenhampton and Walditch, Bradpole, Bridport Central, West Bridport and Allington, and West Bay. Each ward is represented by its own Councillors. The population of the parish area is approximately 13,500.
Town Council Elections are held every four years, the last being in May 2024.
The Town Council operates from the Council Offices at Mountfield, where regular committee and sub committee meetings take place. The Town Clerk, (the Proper Officer) and council staff carry out the work as directed by the meetings of the Town Council.
How we are funded
A precept is set annually by Bridport Town Council being the “local” tax paid by the parishioners. which is collected through the Council Tax by Dorset Council. The Town Council also receives incomes from management of the market, fees for services and property rental.
Other Local Authority
Dorset Council with main responsibilities for Education, Social Services, Highways, Fire and Rescue, Police, Libraries and county wide Strategic Planning, Planning Process and Development Control, Environmental Health, Environmental Services, Economic Development, Community Partnerships and Tourism and Leisure.