Installation of New Toucan Crossing – A3066 Sea Road North, Bridport Cycleway
All Landowners, occupiers and tenants in the vicinity of this location are being sent letters advising that Dorset County Council shall soon be starting works installing a new Toucan Crossing and completing the shared use facility/cycleway in the vicinity of the new crossing. A map showing the location and extent of the scheme can be viewed here.
Construction of the scheme will be carried out by Dorset Highways and they hope to start work on Monday 30 October 2017, with completion by Wednesday 19 December 2017.
Unfortunately, with this sort of work, some inconvenience may be caused but the County Council will ensure that it is kept to aminimum. If you feel the work is likely to cause any particular problems, which could be helped by special arrangements (eg for anyone with a mobility problem or for special deliveries you might be expecting), please contact the Scheme Engineer. Should you have any problems or reasons for complaint whilst work is going on, it would be helpful if you could let the Scheme Engineer know at once. He will then be able to ensure that the earliest possible action is taken to overcome them. The Scheme Engineer will be Michael Paulley, who can be contacted by telephone on 01305 225336. Alternatively, a message can be left with Dorset Direct on 01305 221000, who will arrange for theScheme Project Manager to contact you. The construction team’s representative, Dave Stone, can be contacted on 01305 225336. If any emergencies occur out of normal working hours, please telephone 01305 221000 where your message will be passed on to the relevant personnel.