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Town Council Seeks New Internal Auditor

Town Council Seeks New Internal Auditor

Bridport Town Council’s current internal auditor, Lightatouch, will cease service provision at the end of 2024/25.  We are now seeking a replacement auditor.
The scope of the current internal audit service is shown at  If you would like to be considered for engagement from 2025/26 onwards, please could you return a proposal to us, including a fee estimate and setting out the following:
  • How your proposal meets the minimum requirements as set out in the scoping document;
  • Any optional or recommended additional services (separately priced);
  • An statement outlining your suitability as a provider of independent internal audit services to Bridport Town Council;
  • Details of two existing clients that we can contact for reference purposes;
  • Your assessment of how well your service meets our ethical decision-making policy; and
  • Estimated fees for a one-year, three-year, and five-year agreement.
Your proposal may be sent to [email protected], or if preferred by post to the Town Clerk, Bridport Town Council, Mountfield, Rax Lane, Bridport DT6 3JP, by no later than 9am on Monday 7 April 2025.
We will develop a shortlist of candidate auditors from the proposals received, and will engage with those shortlisted as part of the decision-making process.
We anticipate the first interim visit of the successful appointee to be in October 2025.  A decision on engagement will be made by June 2025 at the latest.
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