Mayor’s Blog 159
1st November
November opened with another book launch – this time the brainchild of Sheila Meaney, working within Bridport Heritage Forum on a community project called “A House Through Time”. This she explained was “The end of chapter one” – as it can, and will be an ongoing project.
Sheila is renowned for digging out local history and putting on exhibitions and getting it ‘out there’ for all of us to enjoy. This time the tables were turned – sort of – in that she encouraged and engaged townspeople to do their own research on their own homes in terms of the history of the people and families who have lived there over the ages.
We of course have our own Family History Centre which must have played a large part in assisting families in their research.
I am not sure exactly how many individual houses have been researched but on the day we had around 20 ‘books’ completed so far, to start the ball rolling. This will be an ongoing project which anyone can join in with at any time – that’s part of the beauty of it.
Those who have already taken part are uncovering all sorts of fascinating information which otherwise may never have seen the light of day and been forgotten for ever.
Big thanks to Sheila Meaney and of course all her supportive team. We are such a fortunate town – to have people like Sheila and all those who have helped to make this happen – their dedication, time and effort helps to make this town the special place it is, and from what I’ve heard, they have really enjoyed the process.
3rd November – Bridport Literary Festival
I was generously invited to choose a Bridport Literary Festival event (as Mayor) and I chose to see the first event – the amazing Will Hutton, talking about and around his book “This Time No Mistakes”, one of his many political books. He is without doubt one of the most informed, insightful and intelligent people one could ever wish to encounter. His historical knowledge and amazing recall really astounded me.
Of course I bought his book and joined the end of a very long queue for his signature. Our names were written on a post-it note and stuck inside the book so he could sign a little more quickly. We gave our names to his book-selling assistant who then copied them onto a post-it note and stuck it into the book. I only noticed later that he had seen it as “Diane and Anne” (! J) Never mind, it takes nothing away from the quality of the content, but I have left the post-it note there for amusement.
7th November – Carnival “Thank You” and presentation of cheques/awards event
We were invited to this event, held in South Street, which was a ‘Thank you’ from the Chairman to all those who gave their time and effort towards putting our 2024 Carnival together and making such a success of it.
As far as we were concerned our input was purely enjoyment – having been picked up from home in a wonderful vintage car and chauffeur – who drove us in stately fashion from Bothenhampton, along the A35 to Miles Cross and then to West Allington. What a privilege and joy that was! It even broke down (dutifully) in West Allington as we awaited the start of the parade. It was great to see the driver get out the required tools and ‘get out and get under’ as the song goes, ‘to fix up his automobile’! Most readers will, I’m sure, be far too young to remember that song!
Anyway, it was good to meet up with the heroes of the Carnival Committee and helpers. What a fine bunch they are.
10th November – Remembrance Parade
I owe many thanks to all who put together our Remembrance Sunday activities. The parade in town was well received by the many organisations taking part and the public. Extra thanks must go to Claire Peters-Way who masterminded the organisation, and thanks too to Will Austin, Daryl and all the other staff for setting up and managing things before, during and after the event. We were also grateful to Parade Marshal Neil Braginton, who stepped in at the last moment due to an unfortunate health issue with our usual Marshall.
Also, what a great turnout from the townspeople, visitors, young and old. Lots of pics – see BTC on Facebook, and of course Bridport News.
13th November – Visit from Bryn Yemm
This was the day we met with Bryn Yemm at the Electric Palace. Bryn is a larger-than-life character who lives in Wales currently. He has achieved a lot in his life, high connections on the music scene and many accolades, and is also a great charity fundraiser. He has a close friend, who is living in America – Mr Stembridge, unfortunately too ill to travel, whose family used to own a furniture shop where the Electric Palace is now. Bryn had a plaque made to honour Mr Stembridge and his family connections with Bridport. A photo had been found from 1750, showing the shop and he was so pleased and proud to present this plaque to the Electric Palace, as a lasting memory.
He very generously took us to Soulshine for lunch and we are sure he will visit again when he’s able. He was very effusive about Bridport as a town.
Our Town Crier, John, gave an excellent ‘Cry’ for the occasion – filled with information and humour as usual. Bryn was extremely impressed and overall he thinks Bridport is amazing. Can’t argue there!. The event was filmed for the benefit of Mr Stembridge, and maybe we’ll see it in due course.
16th November – Blandford Civic Day
This was an afternoon/evening event, which was a guided tour of the Old Shambles/Corn Exchange/Council Chamber/Court building. It’s huge! Blandford Town Council’s plans are at last coming to fruition after many years of preparation and now they are having the building completely restored, refurbished and repurposed, to give it life for the next generations. There is an enormous amount of history to protect, and the project will take probably until next September to complete.
I really would like to re-visit next year!
I remember our own Town Hall’s refurbishment and that was a very big project – Blandford’s is much bigger and much more complicated. I take my hat off to those clever people who can not only design but put it into action. I hope it all goes well for them.
Next was a visit to the Parish Church, which is also having work done to refurbish and rebuild parts of it whilst discovering secrets of its long history. An interesting tour including climbing a long spiral staircase up to the belfry and then further up to the loft area – where a new walkway has been erected enabling repairs to be reached and of course a safe viewing platform.
After a generous buffet, we went back to the church where we enjoyed performances from the “Fabulous Forum” – Blandford’s talented youngsters – a very enjoyable evening indeed.
Well done, Blandford – a great day!
17th November – Bridport Chamber Orchestra
Another delightful concert provided by our wonderful Chamber Orchestra. They are such a professional group and we are made so very welcome and consider ourselves very fortunate to be invited.
We are so often picking up comments about how amazing our town is and it is undeniable!
29th November – “Light Up A Life” – Weldmar Hospicecare
This occasion and lighting of the Christmas tree was “Lighting up memories for those we miss” and held at Groves Garden Centre.
Personally having lost a few friends to cancer, who were given end-of-life care in a Weldmar Hospice, it was significant for me also to reflect, together with the very large number of people who joined the event.
I was invited to say a few welcoming words and switch on the tree lights. The enormous tree, almost reaching to the ceiling, and the generously-given space in the new and very large space recently built within Groves, was a perfect setting, looks resplendent and carrying messages of remembrance too.
There were a couple of highlights for me – a poem “I’ll remember you this Christmas Time”(sorry, no author given in the programme) and a recorded solo performance of a song written by Rhys Lewis and very beautifully sung by Jenny Wood, (Patient & Family Support Lead, Weldmar Hospicecare). Both of these effected emotional reactions across those present, including me.
I was very pleased to have been invited and well done Groves for not only supplying the amazing tree, but providing a perfect space to hold the event.