Mayor’s Blog 158
6th October – Lions’ Swimarathon – Bridport Leisure Centre
I was invited to be present for the Lions’ fundraising Swimarathon, to say a few words and to sound the hooter for the opening rounds.
We had friends visiting that weekend, one of whom said she’d like to come with me and said (jokingly) that she’d be so tempted to jump in! As she is a keen and strong swimmer I mentioned to the organisers that my friend would probably be happy to make up any numbers on any team which was short. To cut to the quick, she ended up in a team called ‘Has Beens’ which of course made us laugh – and was swimming with (not against) some younger, and very experienced, male swimmers – our Baracuders, no less! She did brilliantly and swam 16 lengths with only a few minutes to get her breath back in between! I felt so proud!
Aside from her wonderful effort – she really enjoyed being part of it and found the whole experience so friendly and inclusive. She was especially impressed that there were two lanes reserved for entries from the brownies, and also children with special educational needs, each child supported 100% by a trained swimming coach. She has gone back to her town in Sussex with the intention to become a swimming coach for these young people – inspired by Bridders!
Hats off to all those who organised it, everyone seemed to have a good time – we certainly did, and the Lions of Bridport made a little more money as my friend got extra sponsorship from us and her husband!
10th October – Yeovil Town Council Civic Day
Lovely to be invited to Yeovil – it being out of our county and all, though I know it’s a regular invitation and of course reciprocated by us.
On this occasion we were introduced to the fact that there had been a major devolution!
Somerset Council offered the devolution to Yeovil Town and although their discussions and arrangements had to be made and agreed quickly, they went ahead without delay and got the whole thing through in just 5 months! My goodness, how their team worked! I commented that their team seemed a lot like our councillors and staff – all working together and for the good of their town. It had a really good ‘feel’.
I won’t go into any details of how they are financing it – if anyone’s interested, they should contact Yeovil TC themselves, or perhaps peruse their council website. Needless to say, they are proud of their ‘new’ town and quite rightly.
They have taken on huge swathes of green areas which they have upgraded – lots still ‘work in progress’ of course, but it was really impressive to see and hear about what they’ve taken on and their future plans. They’ve taken on Westlands Entertainment Centre too!
This was taken at one of the visits on the day, this was Yeovil Country Park –
fabulous place – will revisit! (Play ‘spot the red hat’) I wrote a little poem as part of my ‘thank you’ letter to their Mayor, as he kept goading me to write one: In Somerset the cash was short So devolution’s what they sought. Yeovil Town was quick to say “We’ll take the town, we’ll show the way!” No sooner was the question asked, Yeo TC took on the task. With excellent staff and lots of skill They’ve got the brains and got the will To show what a council can do Your residents must be proud of you! 27th October – Book Launch at Bridport Museum