Mayor’s Blog 154
Monday 8th July – Young Creatives working with ‘Stuff and Nonsense’ at the Lyric Theatre
This is not all that easy to put into words, but I seem to have managed quite a few here!
A pic of us surrounded by current and future very famous performers in any or all the dramatic arts – watch this space.
It is one of the most exceptional and best ways of working with children I have ever experienced in action. The results are there to be seen, in a short video we were treated to, which showed the processes and innovations – all created by these young people’s great ideas – in collectively creating the most wonderful alternative ‘take’ on The Three Pigs.
I learned a lot just from watching and realising (despairing at) just how much coercion we apply to children’s play and thinking. I have many grandchildren and will admit that when I’ve played with them, I am always suggesting this and that, offering alternative scenarios to their ideas (interfering, basically!) and expecting them to just take my ideas on board. Today, watching that video opened my eyes and my mind. I have learnt my lesson. Seeing their ideas accepted with excitement, trust and enthusiasm, and put into action (rather than ignored or dismissed) allows their individualism to grow and be nurtured, their keenness to work with each other to improve, and having the courage to even direct and improve older performers’ actions in order to express something in a better way, was nothing less than astonishing and very very warming. I was really close to tears by the end of the session, I was so moved by it all, and the end result was just amazing.
Nikki McCretton has taken her production company all over the country to big, famous theatre venues all over the country and every year they are re-booked for the next production, such is the confidence of just how extraordinarily good the production will be. We heard that this latest production will be going to China and Sweden to be performed! That’s how amazing it is!
Children’s imaginations should be cherished. Let’s stop telling them what to do and set their fertile imaginations free. Value them. Nikki said that they will continue to mentor these children up to the age of 18! Wonderful. So pleased we have this in Bridport. What a credit to our town.
Wednesday 10th July – Symondsbury Primary School – Bee Friendly Presentation and Awards to BTC
Another mind-buzzing event – I say ‘buzzing’ as it was largely about how the children at Symondsbury Primary have been learning all about bees. From Reception to Year 6, these fortunate children have had the appropriate opportunity to take part through every area of the curriculum, which has given maximum attention to the life of bees, and teach the children how vital they are to our survival on this planet.
It was warming to realise that all the information these children have absorbed will be with them and be passed on to those with whom they interact over coming years – hopefully throughout their lives.
Introducing young children to bees can be tricky, especially if they’ve been stung, but attitudes have been changed, where even those who have had an unpleasant encounter are relaxing and even being brave enough to climb a ladder to reach a swarm and stroke them with a feather to encourage them into a box to be moved on! The Bee Club at the school kits them out with Bee suits which give them confidence to learn to to work around the hives.
I learnt a lot whilst I was there – as I seem to, everywhere I go. This is a great achievement for such a small school. Impressive.
We (Bridport Town Council) were presented with two awards – kindly acknowledging the support given, which can be viewed in our Tourist Information Centre – a framed certificate giving us our status as a Bee-Friendly Town – and another with a lovely bee ‘hovering’ over the stand.
My heartfelt thanks for the invitation to the school which was an inspiration. Thanks also for the awards.
Symondsbury School’s website explains how they have been spreading the word both locally and further afield, and their other projects – take a look – Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School – Home
Saturday 13th July – Bridport Art Society Exhibition at Sou’ Sou’ West, Symondsbury
Saturday’s invitation was to Bridport Art Society’s Summer Exhibition which was hosted by Sou’ Sou’ West, in Symondsbury.
I have not been there before, so here’s another venue I should frequent more often too.
There was a huge variety of art to be enjoyed, and it was made clear that where pieces of work had been judged and placed, there were explanations as to why they had been placed that way – for very many reasons other than just sheer skill, although I didn’t see a single piece that wasn’t highly skilfully put together.
It has been a long while since I picked up a paintbrush (other than to decorate a room at home) – probably about 30 years – before I came to Bridport, when I joined the Dorchester Art Club. Today I felt rather tempted to dust off my painting gear and have another go. Bridport Art Society offers a good amount of scope to learn and improve – at any age or ability – in my case I would be trying to recoup what little knowledge I acquired all those years ago!
Now – when will I fit that in? Here are some pics of the afternoon.