Mayor’s Blog 151
Mayor’s Blog
Hello everyone! So proud and pleased to be representing our wonderful town as Mayor for the coming year. I want to keep up the good work, continuing the Mayor’s blog to let you know what we’ve been up to. Only one event this past week, but the diary is filling up fast.
The bank holiday weekend gave us a busy Saturday – busking in Bucky Doo in the morning sunshine, to a welcoming crowd, and featuring our 11 yo grandson Thomas singing too – who stole the show, of course!
A quick clear-up and back home to smarten up, and return into town in the early afternoon to our first event in this role, as invitees to the Royal British Legion Hall, to start Bridport’s D-Day commemorations.
What an amazing afternoon it turned out to be. Hosted by Brigadier John Dean, we were treated to some very moving talks from several speakers – Robin Stapleton, Elizabeth Gale, Cheryl Ludgate, Jane Ferentzi – Sheppard, Nick Pitt and I think another who stepped up from the floor. It is incredible that these people, who had experiences in war-time to share with us, are still playing an important role in Bridport life.
There were displays all around the hall for us to peruse also.
Two of the guests were visitors from the USA, with links to Bridport – Terry and Suzi Ingram – Terry is/was a GI baby. A tape recording was played of his father speaking, Doug Ingram, which Terry had never heard before. This was particularly moving for us all.
Thanks were given by Simon Christopher, the RBL acting Chairman and
John Dean closed with some poignant words and a moment of Reflection.
The afternoon was rounded of with a delicious cream tea and time to mingle with a few Bridport VIPs, including our two lady Honorary Townspersons –
Marjorie Lathey who was a child at West Bay during WW2 and Treasurer of the separately run Bridport Women’s Section British Legion, and
Roz Copson – hot back from Buckingham Palace Garden Party this week, there for services to Harmony. Roz is also an RBL Committee Member and Linda Bullock’s right hand woman at coffee mornings!
Elizabeth Gale (child at Burton & West Bay during war) our true local historian, her artefacts about WW2 are currently on display at West Bay Discovery Centre.
Suffice to say Linda, Roz and Cheryl were hard at work bringing us our delicious refreshments and Jonathan Bourbon was ably manning the PA.
Big thanks to everyone who organised and ran the event, and for inviting us. It really was a privilege.
Anne Rickard