Mayor’s Blog 148
This week: The Addams Family, Blue Light Church Service, West Bay Wallow, Bridport Carer Café, Bridport Refugee Support Campaign
Due to the Christmas break there were some events at the end of last year that couldn’t make it into a Mayor’s Blog. They have all been well advertised and mostly reported but it is worthy of a short reminder of a great end to 2023.
The Adams Family
Bridport Young Performers did it again! A superb production of the Adams Family that kept Bridget and myself plus a packed audience entertained throughout. One can only admire, not only the acting and musical skills of these talented young people, but also the choreography that enabled a packed stage to execute such wonderful dance routines.
I am sure we will hear in the future that some will have gone on to even greater things on an even bigger stage but for the time being we are fortunate to have such wonderful local talent to entertain us. I am now looking forward to “Kinky Boots” in August and will definitely be attending any musical productions staged in Bridport in the future.
The Blue Light Church Service
It was a privilege to be invited to annual the Blue Light Church Service on the 21st of December at St. Mary’s Church in South Street.
The Blue Light Carol Service was started 12 years ago in Bridport. It enables all members of the emergency services, their friends, family and supporters to come together at St Mary’s Church for a special service and to celebrate the work of the emergency services – of which many will be on call on Christmas Day. As usual it was a very moving service conducted by Rev Philip Ringer to a church full of representatives of the emergency services and this year, included in the Service, we were treated to a presentation on the work of the Blood Bikers.
The Blood Bikers provide a professional rapid response medical transport service of a variety of clinical products across the UK and Northern Ireland on behalf of the NHS, they are all unpaid volunteers and the service is totally free.
We were given the opportunity to get up close to one of the motorbikes and it was certainly a very impressive machine.
For more information click here: www.bloodbikes.org.uk
We finished with the much anticipated “Twelve Days of Christmas” sung by the Congregation and conducted by Rev Phillip Ringer. For the second year running Bridget and I managed to be “Two Turtle Doves”. It was a wonderful way to end the evening and get into the Christmas Spirit and has become a “must do” for us (and many others) at Christmas.
West Bay Wallow
It was a cold start to Boxing Day, a welcome change from the wet weather we had been experiencing. A large crowd gathered to see the brave souls, round 200 in number, who were prepared to wear fancy dress and throw themselves into the sea in West Bay. I am not sure why they do it but it is certainly a great spectacle!
I had the pleasure and difficult job of choosing the best fancy dress and it was not any easy thing to do when viewing all of the imaginative costumes. Although it was Christmas, and there were many costumes reflecting this, I went for a nautical theme and chose a Lobster as the winner.
I am pleased to say everyone completed the course without mishap although some of the costumes looked rather tattered emerging from the sea onto the slipway.
Bridport Carer café
Would you love to have a cup of tea or coffee and a chat with people who understand the complexities of Caring and can offer support? Bridport Carer Café meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month in Coffee#1 Bridport
For further information please click here: https://www.facebook.com/story.php story_fbid=pfbid0U2zrfwAbWHeU7Xu5CusKNoVUM1AbHBnWkBvF9oLjP9DqpKs4CsWBKU7uWUrmBjD7l&id=100069313603382&sfnsn=scwspmo&paipv=0&eav=AfYT2Zp5IE0bGGh4TweElU9bdhPhfX1Al03jRppETzASOskbtkDwPBYCPM1Bgj92m-M&_rdr
Bridport Refugee Support Campaign
Please help this wonderful local charity. I have been asked to advertise that a Trustee is urgently required for this organisation, Anyone interested should email [email protected] and they will be sent a recruitment pack.