Mayor’s Blog 142
The Dorset Legal Service, Bridport Local Food Group, Mayor’s Quiz updates.
The Dorset Legal Service
On Sunday Bridget and I attended the Dorset Legal Service at St. Peter’s Church in Dorchester after being invited by the High Sheriff of Dorset, Colin Weston MBE JP. Colin had attended our recent Bridport Civic Day and really enjoyed the day so it was a pleasure to support him in return on his special day.
The history behind the Office of High Sherriff dates back to Saxon times when the “Shire Reeve” was appointed for a one year term and was responsible to the King for the maintenance of law and order within the shire or county and for the collection and return of taxes due to the Crown. Today there are 55 High Sheriffs serving the counties of England and Wales each year.
Although the duties have evolved over time, supporting the Crown and the Judiciary remain central elements of the role today and the attendees at the service (in no particular order) included the Senior Presiding Judge of England and Wales, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Dorset, Chair of the Law Commission, the National Leadership Magistrate, Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner to name a few.
High Sheriffs also actively lend support and encouragement to crime prevention agencies, the emergency services and to the voluntary sector. In recent years this has also led to encouraging crime reduction initiatives, especially among young people. Many also assist Community Foundations and local charities working with vulnerable people and others both in endorsing and helping to raise the profile of their valuable work. The High Sheriffs do not receive any remuneration and no part of the expense of a High Sheriff’s year comes out of public funds.
Colin has already been very busy visiting and supporting those working in the Criminal Justice System and the Emergency Services and is keen to develop a greater understanding of how Magistracy works and hopefully encourage more young people to become magistrates. He is actively working with Bournemouth University in getting that message out.
The service was very enjoyable and notable for many reasons, not least the number of ceremonial wigs and gold chains being worn, and we finished the day with refreshments in the Dorset Museum. Our thanks to Colin and the organisers of the event and we wish Colin every success in his year as High Sherriff.
Bridport Local Food Group.
On Monday I attended a pre AGM meeting of the BLFG. Most of the discussions were around the future of the Food Festival and I am pleased to say there was overwhelming support for the festival to continue. It was also clear that the successful event of last year was down to the volunteers who were learning on the job and taking on unfamiliar roles in an effort to get the Festival off the ground. It was certainly a lot of hard work to get all of the logistics in place. These events rely on volunteers, we all have a great time at them so if you can help for 2024, please contact BLFG: admin@bridportfoodfestival.co.uk
The 2023 AGM is scheduled for Nov 22nd at 6pm in the Town Hall so please come along and show your support.
Mayor’s Quiz November 19th updates
The Mayor’s Quiz is my main fundraising event for the year and the proceeds are shared between the Bridport Community Kitchen and the Bridport Youth and Community Centre.
Thanks to the generosity of the many businesses and individuals who have supported this fundraising effort by donating, we now have over 40 prizes! Raffle tickets are only available on the night!
We are intending to have a traditional round of “Heads or Tails” if we have time, a pound coin will be required for you to take part.
We are also pleased to announce that we have the Dark Bear “pop up” Cocktail Bar coming along to add to the choices of alcoholic and soft drinks available on the night. Cash or card accepted.
Time is getting short, space is limited so book your table of 6 now before we run out of space!
Please bring your own food.