BLOG 102 – GOODBYE 2022, WELCOME 2023
Twelve months ago I wrote the following as an introduction to my end of year blog:
This New Year’s Eve, you might be spending the evening watching a romantic movie with a loved one, binge watching a favourite TV series with friends, or playing games at home with your family. Or perhaps you are going to a party or out for a glitzy night on the town. Alternatively you may even be planning on ignoring it completely and simply curling up on the sofa or in bed with a good book. Whatever way you are going to usher in the brand new 2022 the prospect of a fresh start is an opportunity to take stock and reset.
Little did we know at the time, as we slowly emerged from two years of trials and tribulations associated with the Covid pandemic, what a momentous year 2022 was going to prove to be.
Shortly before the Russian Revolution in 1917 Vladimir Lenin is quoted as saying “There are decades when nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen,” and during 2022 there were weeks when decades certainly happened. During this momentous year:
- US President Donald Trump’s supporters invaded the White House.
- Russia invaded Ukraine, the fallout from which continues to reverberate globally.
- The Queens celebrated her Platinum Jubilee – 70 years on the throne.
- The second Elizabethan age came to an end on the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
- King Charles III came to the throne.
- Prime Minister Boris Johnson was forced out of office.
- Liz Truss became the shortest serving Prime Minister in history at 45 days.
- Rishi Sunak became the third Prime Minister in 2022.
- Inflation and higher interest rates returned, and energy costs ballooned.
- Iranian women took to the streets in protest about police murders and the repressive regime.
- Pakistan suffered severe political, economic and climate crises.
- Summer 2022 was hot and dry and we saw a new UK record temperature of 40.3C.
- COP 27 – reminded us that the world still needs a giant leap on climate ambition.
- COP 15 – agrees on a new set of goals to guide global action through 2030 to halt and reverse nature loss.
- The cost of living crisis worsened and poverty rates in the UK continued to rise – over 14.5 million people are now living below the poverty line.
- Increasing social unrest including rail-workers, postal workers, ambulance personnel, and nurses amongst those striking for better working conditions and increased pay.
- Dorset Council’s Community Governance Review agreed a single council for Bridport from 2024.
I think we can all agree that 2022 has been quite a year. But how will 2022 be judged by future historians? Only time will tell.
Meanwhile Bridport returned to its busy, buzzy self as it shook itself free from the strictures of the Covid pandemic. The town’s high streets, shops, restaurants, theatres and green spaces were fully alive once again with happy smiling faces. Numerous festivals and events showed that Bridport really is Dorset’s eventful town. The images below capture just a few of the events that happened here in Bridport during 2022. How many do you recognise? How many were you at?

Were you one of the unlucky ones who did not manage to go to the Electric Palace this week for the Bridport Young Performers performance of Lionel Bart’s musical Oliver?

The production involved over 50 young people and the standard of of everything from the set to the singing and dancing was outstanding.
The performance on Tuesday evening proved without doubt that Bridport’s future as a hub of theatrical creativity is in safe hands.
If you have never been to a Bridport Young Performers production you are certainly missing out. Keep your eyes peeled for details of their next production and grab a ticket as soon as you can in order to avoid missing out again.
Will you be one of the brave people who dons fancy dress and plunges into the sea at midday on Boxing Day?
The Bridport Round Table West Bay Boxing Day Swim is back and those brave enough to enter the rather chilly water at midday need to arrive early enough to get registered.
As you can imaging West Bay is expected to be very busy so give yourself plenty of time.
Registration starts at 10.45.

Bridport Round Table will be collecting for local charities so please show your admiration for those brave or is it mad enough to take the plunge by giving generously.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a joy filled 2023.