Bridport Town Council – Press Release
Bridport is set to be home to the UK’s longest mural.
A youth-led project supported by Bridport Arts Centre and funded by Bridport Town Council and Dorset Council has resulted in the creation of the UK’s longest mural reaching an impressive 133 metres long. This accolade was previously held by a mural in Doncaster which measured 108 metres in length.
The aim of the mural project was to encourage young people to design and create an ambitious artwork in the town that celebrated the local area and gave voice to their views for the future.
The project began with agreement from Bridport Football Club that the wall could be a canvas for a street art mural. Bridport Arts Centre’s Youth Officer, Bryony Moores O’Sullivan, held workshops at the school at which Students developed the plans for the project. Local artists Marina Renee-Cemmick, Jo Burlington, Kate Genevieve, Immy Nailen, Molly Bruce, Delphine Jones and Analise Rennee supported students during the painting braving the hottest day of the year.
Local artist, Marina Renee-Cemmick, said: “We’ve tried to transform sixty-six panels of concrete into something that’s exciting, energetic, and colourful for everyone to enjoy. When you create a nice environment and space that’s interesting for people, they enjoy it rather than defacing it, because they feel a part of it.”
Cllr Ian Bark, Mayor of Bridport was impressed by the mural project, “ It has been a long held ambition to brighten up the walk into town from the football club car park. What a great job the team has done!” Colfox student Zac Dixon said: “This is the first time I’ve done spray-painting so it’s quite exciting. I’ve never done anything like this. This was such a grey wall so it’s a lot more interesting and hopefully, this says something about what we want in Bridport.”
Danni Wood, Marketing Manager: [email protected]
Mick Smith, Director at Bridport Arts Centre: T: 01308 424204 ex 205 E: [email protected]
David Dixon, Bridport Town Council: [email protected]
Attached to email: Photo of team of artists and students, artists Marina Renee-Cemmick and Jo Burlington