Energy Efficiency Campaign – Lowering Household Bills – 3 Workshops, WI Hall, North St.
Bridport Town Council are offering three money saving workshops to launch a new energy efficiency campaign on Saturday 30th October 2021.
As part of Bridport Housing Week, Bridport Town Council are offering three money saving workshops to launch a new energy efficiency campaign.
The workshops are part of the Councils response to the climate emergency detailed in the Climate Action Plan. As well as being linked to Bridport Housing Week these Workshops are intended to begin a 6 month ‘conversation’ around the Town to encourage and support residents in taking simple steps to reduce carbon through energy efficiency measure that also save money.
Places are free to Bridport residents and booking is essential.
Workshop | Summary | Time/Place |
Domestic Lighting – saving £s and the planet |
Lighting accounts for 18% of the UK’s energy budget and 8 out of every 10 lightbulbs end up in landfill. Dr Shelley James will explain why and what you can do about it. She will share examples of different types of light and sensors that can improve the quality of light in our homes and cut your energy bills by up to 40% at the same time. Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/domestic-lighting-saving-s-and-the-planet-tickets-169844091249 |
09.45 – 10.30 WI Hall |
Exterior Lighting – saving £s and not disturbing the neighbours |
Badly-designed outdoor lighting pollutes the night sky across more than 80% of the British Isle. This takes a heavy toll on the environment – not only in terms of electricity use and disturbed sleep for ourselves and our neighbours, but in disruption to plant and animal life. Dr Shelley James will explain how you can enjoy the benefits of lights outside while reducing the human and environmental cost. She will share examples of different lights, sensors and lenses that meet or exceed the LEED standard for exterior lighting. |
11.00 – 11.45 WI Hall |
Understanding the challenge of decarbonising our homes |
The Centre for Sustainable Energy will facilitate this workshop on Bridport’s carbon footprint and the opportunity to start decarbonising energy use in housing. The workshop will cover the essentials of climate science and climate impacts, the importance of housing and energy use in the context of climate change, and introduce the idea of local ‘energy champions’ helping householders make simple changes that will start reducing carbon and energy costs. |
12.00 – 15.30 WI Hall |
For more information on Bridport Housing Week go to the website https://www.bridportach.org.uk
For more information on Bridport’s energy efficiency campaign contact [email protected].
To view the Climate Emergency Web Page, please follow this link.