Media Release – 11 August 2020 – VJ Day in Bridport
Even though we remain unable to run a full scale 75th anniversary commemoration of VJ Day on 15 August, Bridport will remember the cessation of hostilities in WWII on the day in a number of ways:
- The Union Flag will fly on the Town Hall and at the Town Council’s Mountfield offices.
- Commemorative bunting is in place across the town centre streets.
- A video tribute will be published online on the morning of 15 August on the Town Council’s website at www.bridport-tc.gov.uk and via local social media channels.
- A socially distanced gathering of invited dignitaries and veterans will take place at 4pm, for the laying of wreaths and the Act of Remembrance.
Town Clerk Will Austin said “We’re sorry not to be able to stage a major public event to mark VJ Day, but as we are unable to predict or control attendance it’s really not possible at the moment. Nonetheless we hope that people will be able to incorporate the video – produced by Rev Pete Stone of the Bridport Team Ministry – into their own commemorative activities on the day.”
Will Austin
Town Clerk, Bridport Town Council
Tel 01308 456722