Town Centre and South Street Consultation Starting Soon
Bridport Town Council wants to hear from people on town centre traffic issues and particularly on whether people would support a trial closure and pedestrianisation of South Street.
Councillor Sarah Williams, Leader of Bridport Town Council says “ the Town Council has agreed to undertake a consultation exercise on town centre traffic issues including whether there should be a trial closure and pedestrianisation of the top of South Street. A trial closure is being considered to fully assess the impact of the closure of the road. However, before a decision is taken on whether to apply to the County Council for a trial closure, the Town Council wants to get people’s views on whether they would support such a trial. The consultation also asks questions on town centre speed limits and what people consider most needs to be improved in relation to the town centre and traffic:”
The consultation will start online on 7 August and there will also be hard copies of the questionnaire available at the Tourist Information Centre, the Council Offices at Mountfield and in the Bridport Library. The consultation runs until 1 October. More information and the consultation questionnaire will be available from 7 August on the Town Council’s web site www.bridport-tc.gov.uk
Councillor Williams added “This is a chance for people to have their say before we decide whether to make any recommendations to Dorset County Council on these issues. The County Council, as the Highway Authority, would have to agree any proposals.”