Town Council gives “green light” to Bridport’s “Green Fortnight”
Bridport Town Council is supporting the two weeks of events being organised by Transition Town Bridport and other local environmental groups including turning the Town Hall clock green for the duration of the event, which runs until 8 April.
The Town Council is also being recommended at its meeting on 28 March to reaffirm its commitment to its Climate Change Strategy and bring forward proposals for further initiatives and actions, including proposals to update the Strategy. The recommendation is from the Council’s Environment and Social Wellbeing Committee which recently received a report summarising some of the Town Council’s actions following adoption of the Strategy. This has included:
- Installation of photovoltaic electricity generating panels at the Town Council’s Plottingham depot, the Cemetery Workshop and its Mountfield Compound. The panels at Plottingham were installed five years ago and through generating its own electricity in this way and with the feed in tariff, the Town Council has recovered all the installation costs.
- Installation of a solar hot water system at the Town Council’s offices at Mountfield.
- Increased recycling of materials at all buildings and sites managed by the Town Council.
The Town Council has also supported a large number of projects to help “green” the town including increasing cycle routes, enabling more community management of green spaces, and providing more allotments.
Councillor Sarah Williams, Leader of the Town Council said “ It is pleasing that we are supporting the Green Fortnight. The Town Council has delivered a number of projects as part of its Climate Change Strategy but it is timely that we review the Strategy and, through the Council’s Town Plan, look at other projects and initiatives that we can bring forward.”
More information on Green Fortnight is at http://www.transitiontownbridport.co.uk/content/green_fortnight.asp