St Michael’s Trading Estate Planning Applications
The Town Council has been notified of the following new planning applications for St Michael’s Trading Estate :
WD/D/16/002852 & WD/D/16/002853 Lilliput Buildings Adjoining 40, St Michaels Lane, St Michael’s Estate – Redevelopment, including part demolition of listed and unlisted structures and refurbishment of retained structures to provide:
(a) 10 residential units (including refurbishment of one existing unit); and
(b) 1,341 sq. m. of light industrial floorspace.
The Town Council has also been notified of revised/amended plans and a number of new supporting documents submitted on the following application :
1/D/11/002012 South West Quadrant, St Michael’s Trading Estate – Develop land by the erection of 95 dwellings (51 house and 44 apartments), new and refurbished commercial floor space, associated car parking and new vehicular and pedestrian accesses following demolition of some commercial units. Appearance and landscaping reserved for further approval. (Revised scheme).
The following application for St Michaels has been withdrawn:
1/D/11/002013 Conservation Area Consent Demolish buildings. Conservation area consent is no longer required for the total or substantial demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area. The total or substantial demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area now only requires planning permission and so, in this case, the relevant issues will be considered as part of the revised outline application for this development – reference 1/D/11/002012
The Town Council’s Planning Committee will be considering the applications at its next meeting on 3 April at 7pm. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING WILL NOW BE HELD IN THE TOWN HALL.
The Town Council is a consultee and the decisions on the applications will be taken by West Dorset District Council.