Resignation of Town Councillor
Councillor Frances McKenzie has resigned from the Town Council as of 8 March 2017. Councillor McKenzie has submitted her resignation saying that she regrets having to do so but she has “been finding it increasingly difficult to attend evening meetings of the Town Council. Therefore I feel that someone who can attend evening meetings of the council should be given the opportunity to do so.” Councillor McKenzie added that she will continue “as a committed and dedicated District Councillor (for the Bridport South ward), as the District Council has predominately daytime meetings that I am able to attend.”
The Town Mayor, Councillor Ros Kayes, received the resignation and thanked Councillor McKenzie for her service on the Town Council and wished her well for the future.
A Notice of Vacancy has been posted by the Town Council and if 10 names come forward from the Town Council South ward within 14 days with a request for an election, then a by election will be held.