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West Bay Play Area sensory installations

The sensory installations to be included in the new extension to the West Bay Play Area have now been selected by the Fisherman’s Arms Consultation Group and the Mountjoy School Council. Music, with puzzles, fun mirrors, totem poles and fragrant plants and flowers topping the priority list.

In presenting the possible options Town Surveyor Daryl Chambers indicated that there was now sufficient funding to be able to change the installations from time to time and so provide a greater range of experiences.

“As always there was tremendous enthusiasm at both our sessions,” said Arthur Woodgate, Chair of the BYPAT (Bridport Young Persons’ Action Trust) Charity that is partnering the Town Council in this initiative. ”We reminded them that, once the work is completed and before it is opened to the general public, they will be able to “test run” the new equipment that they have helped choose. They’ve been brilliant, and we would never have got to this point without their very support”

Mr Chambers revealed that a tree planting programme would accompany the development, and that they would be able to have their own trees where the names of everyone who has been involved would be recorded. Other groups who had not been directly involved would also have an opportunity to join in with this programme.

“All I can say is that I’m beyond excited that we’ve got all the money needed and that the building of the park is going ahead so soon,” commented Debbie Bird. A member of the Play Area Development Group, Debbie had been a young person on the first SUMMENTOR (Summer Mentoring) Project over seven years ago, and had then helped to design the existing area and raise over £6,000 to help make it possible.

Weather permitting, work will begin on the new area in six weeks’ time. For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected]

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