Providing a wide range of services and representing the town on all matters affecting Bridport and West Bay.
Bridport venues with a warm welcome – Winter 2024/5.
You can be assured of finding a warm and friendly environment in which to enjoy refreshments, social activity and the company of other people. Refreshments are free of charge or for a small donation at these cafes. They are open to everyone in the community and a great chance to make new friends and chat. No need to book, just turn up. Please click here for more information.
Energy Advice at Bridport Citizens Advice
For more information, please follow this link.
Annual Town Meeting – 18 March 2025 (Bridport Town Hall)
Town Council Meetings
Calendar of Meetings 2025-2026
All meetings are held at Mountfield, Rax Lane, Bridport DT6 3JP except where shown otherwise. See Committee Meetings for all Agendas and Minutes. Agendas for forthcoming meetings will be published at least 5 days before the meeting.
Forthcoming Meetings
- Full Council: 25 March: Agenda / Minutes
Recent Meetings
- Planning Committee: 17 March: Agenda / Minutes
- Finance and General Purposes Committee: 10 March: Agenda / Minutes
- Environment and Social Wellbeing Committee: 05 March: Agenda / Minutes
- Best Value and Scrutiny Sub Committee: 04 March: Agenda / Minutes